Samsara Nexus #
Ethereum (1)

Samsara Nexus

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December: the intersection of endings and beginnings, a pivotal moment in the eternal annual cycle. Trees, shedding the last whispers of their yearly growth, adorn themselves in a pristine mantle of snow. The sun, being more and more hesitant to linger in the last half year, finally shifts its course, and begins gracing us with longer days of light. This is the month where we experience the joy of togetherness; friends and family converge in a celebration of the year's conclusion, cherishing presence over presents, indulging in festive feasts, and exchanging not just gifts, but also the generosity of spirit. December is a reflective pool, inviting us to gaze deeply into the past twelve months. This poignant juncture in the twirling dance of time is where we stop to sift through memories, to embrace the lessons learned, whether bitter or sweet, and to let these insights sculpt our aspirations for the year ahead. This month is not just about drawing the curtains on the past; it's about stepping through the threshold of tomorrow, holding close our memories and lessons, as we embark on new adventures. In December, we find closure and renewal, a delicate balance where every end is a new beginning, and every beginning, a gentle farewell. ✧ 🌸 ✧ 🌸 ✧ 🌸 ✧ 🌸 ✧ 🌸 ✧ 🌸 ✧ 🌸 ✧ This piece by Maneki Neko is part of a series of an open edition for each month of 2023. It was created through experimentation with the AI tools Midjourney and Stable Diffusion in multiple iterations of combinations of prompts and settings to produce hundreds of floral synthographs. The best of these images were curated and upscaled with Stable Diffusion to bring out even more details and finished with color and fine detail editing in Photoshop. Don't forget to zoom in! Digital image, 6026x8000 px Year Minted: 2023 Extended Editorial License: The image this NFT verifies may be used to display privately, or in commercial and non-commercial settings, or in groups with an unlimited number of participants. The license includes unlimited use and display in virtual or physical galleries, documentaries, and essays by the NFT holder. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works.

Maneki Neko
Flower of the Month Club
6026x8000 px
Aspect Ratio
Year Minted
Extended Editorial
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