Ethereum (1)
This collection revolves around exploring the stressors resulting in an artistic perspective of our reality commuting through Lagos traffic, manifesting in expressions in a duo realm – physical & digital.
Leveraging traffic satellite data and literarily recording the sounds, ebb and flow of Lagos Traffic. As we set out, you can tell the tell-tale signs of this city and a nation that is ascribed with having Africa’s shortest life expectation. The arguments, the tussles, the racing, the heat, the smells, the sweat, the fights & quarrels, the scratching, and the honking; all woven into the fabric of a city – now etched in wood. The ephemeralness of this experience and experiment captured in ink lines, in voices and movements, flowing through the course of each day.
I’m taking you on a journey, noting down what has become our daily reality. The push to and ‘fro’, to fulfil the dictates of the white collar living, very much needed to feed our bellies, and put a roof over our heads. We go through stress – these stressors and inch by inch, they scrap away our lives’. It really does get to our head, and we imagine ourselves giants, of Africa - Indeed! But really, we are just mentally stressed. Lagos drives us mad – period!
This ‘phygital’ work brings to fore that which we have consigned go the back burner that is killing us slowly and steadily while we smile – like the proverbial ‘nkapi’ rat. Our lives matter and in the face of government neglect and failures, we all need to immediately take a stand on life, and live intentionally, like humans.
Welcome to Lagos they say. Shine your eyes!