Ethereum (1)
"YOU ARE (T)HERE" draws inspiration from the ubiquitous "You Are Here" markers found on maps
worldwide. These simple yet powerful indicators serve as anchors in unfamiliar territories, offering a
moment of certainty amidst the unknown. By introducing a flickering element to this familiar phrase, the
work transforms a static point of reference into a dynamic exploration of presence and absence.
In our digital age, where virtual spaces intersect with physical realities, the concept of "being here" takes
on new dimensions. We navigate multiple realms simultaneously, our presence fragmented across screens
and time zones. This work captures that duality, that constant state of flux between presence and absence,
between feeling oriented and disoriented.
The downward-pointing arrow, typically a definitive symbol of location, becomes ambiguous in this context.
Is it pointing to where we stand, or to a distant "there" on the other side of the globe? This uncertainty
reflects the experience of many in our globalized society, where the notion of "home" and "away" are
increasingly fluid.
By engaging with this piece, viewers are invited to contemplate their own sense of place in the world. The
flickering "T" serves as a metaphor for the transient nature of our connections to place and community. It
challenges us to consider how quickly our perspective can shift, how easily we can feel like insiders or
outsiders depending on context.
Code-driven dynamic SVG
2160 x 3840 pixels
Created in 2024 for "Bridging Worlds:
Digital Art Beyond Borders"
in partnership with Christie’s and benefitting UNHCR.
This work should be displayed in a web browser in full screen mode on a 4K screen in vertical orientation.